Top 10 Vacation Spots


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Top Ten Vacation Spots for Singles

Here is the Top Ten Vacation Spots for Singles...

  1. Amsterdam
  2. At Sea
  3. Buenos Aires
  4. Juneau
  5. Las Vegas
  6. Miami
  7. New York
  8. Rome
  9. Tokyo
  10. Washington, DC

With these destination i have created a link with the info on each of the following above. Can't wait to hear some of yours! Good Day.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My Top...

Here is a couple of my favorite Top 10 Vacation Spots.

  1. Arizona Skiing
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Aussie Aussie Aussie (Australia)
  4. "Ocho Rios" Jamaica
  5. Europe

Well, There is 5 out of 10...Top 10 Vacation Spots. Will list the others tomorrow. Can't wait to here everyone's...Have a Wonderful Day!



Welcome to my blog! Here i want to ask you for what you think is your Top 10 Vacation Spots. And at the end of 2 weeks i will tally up everyone's Top 10 Vacation Spots, then create another Top 10 Vacation Spot list. So lets have FUN and ENJOY!